
Success and failures have always been a part of life and that’s true for businesses also. But, some companies had some failures with their tech products and technologies which don’t fall in this category either, because they were complete blunders. Today we will bring to you some of the biggest blunders in tech history and it is surely going to bring some smile on your beautiful faces. So let’s have our first blunder.

·         Nexus Q

Do you remember this? Google have always been known for its wonderful tech strategies and products. The search engine has been all time best. The acquiring of android was a big win too. But, this Nexus Q was not in the same category. Google had planned it and worked on it for years and finally in 2012 launched it. In its I/O conference Google gave to everyone present there. But this day turned out to be a nightmare for the company. The feedback was just like shit. The device was priced at $300 and the functionalities were not well. So, finally Google decided to pull itself back and later handed it for free to everyone who ordered it before launch. Today we are waiting for the Google glasses, the same way we did for Nexus Q and we wish that it don’t join the list of failed tech products.

·         Windows Vista


This OS was launched after the success of windows XP and a lot of expectations were associated with it. But did it worked? No. Windows launched it as a beta version of Windows 7 but without a beta tag for the OS. The designs and working were improved, or at least tried to improve. But all these finally resulted in huge compatibility issues with the computers and finally many of the software that ran pretty well on XP were useless with Vista. Over all these issues Vista made the computers slow as hell. Thankful to the Microsoft engineers all the biggest issues were sorted out and sorted out wonderfully in Windows 7 and it turned out as one of the best OS and loved by the users even after the launches of windows 8 and windows 8.1. Windows 10 is still in early stages of using so let’s see if it could come out better than windows 7 or not.

·         Nokia N-Gage 2

In the old days playing games was a way to pass time while travelling. And Mobile phones were hitting the market wonderfully. Nokia decided to show the technical skills of its engineers and merge the two handheld devices into one. Yes, a mobile phone which can be used to play games or a handheld gaming device which can be used as a mobile phone. The concept was new and far ahead of the age. But, Nokia forgot that the game cartridges were not that portable. It turned out to be blunder because people normally carried one cartridge at a time and then get bored. Nokia tried to do what Apple had already done with its IPhone but it forgot that Nokia can’t be IPhone either and all that resulted in blunder. It cumbersome mobile phone which are not well designed gaming device finally resulting in a kind of big ears while talking. Hope it would not repeat this kind a mistake again.

·         Nintendo N64 (with cartridges)

Nintendo dominated the power gaming industry for ages, but at a point of time every time has to go down. But, the reason was the company itself. When optical devices were gaining the market it decided to stick to the old and bulky cartridge based gaming device. It was an axe of its own foot kind of act and resulted in the rise of Sony PlayStation which gave neck to neck competition to the company. It failed to understand that if the games could be played with smaller and portable optical disks then why someone would buy those bulky cartridges.

·         Windows Bob

Yet another windows product in the list. And the reason you would always support. Windows Bob was a real innovation by windows before the Windows 95 and launched in 1995. It had a kind of home in which you could place different kinds of products in different places and click on them to open it. Like, you could place clock anywhere and on click it would open the windows clock. Pen Paper could be placed and clicked to open Word processor. It was quite customizable for time, but was quite terrible. The experienced PC users found it really horrible to use. Don’t know why Windows thought the normal PC users would love a cartoon home in their expensive PC. Anyways, they launched Windows 95 and became successful. Rover was a mascot of Windows Bob which was reintroduced later-on in the search of Windows XP.

·         Netbooks

You would have heard about them in the recent past. They were introduced by most of the companies but neither of them could do that well as expected. Reason? They had a very compact and smaller body than Notebooks, but this was the only thing they could say. The Hardware of the Netbooks were horrible Of course it had to be because the companies claimed to provide a cheap alternate to notebooks and thus hardware must be compromised. The hardware was so horrible that it could barely support windows. Even if we install, we would get into deep frustration. So, they are barely available in the market now.

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